Focus on Your Music Production
Spend less time peering at your screen by using hands-on controls that integrate seamlessly with Ableton Live. The 24 knobs are arranged in three rows, which align perfectly with Ableton Live’s mixer. They also have multicoloured LEDs that illuminate to distinguish between sends, EQs or any other device. Eight rugged 60mm faders offer high-precision control over your levels, while 16 multi-colour pads offer immediate track focus and mixer control.

Create Your Own Control Layouts
Assign your buttons, knobs and faders to any parameters within Ableton to make your own layouts. You can even customise knobs with your own colours, and effortlessly switch between your own mappings and Live’s built-in functionality. Crafting the perfect mix has never been easier!

“It’s important to point out that although the XL can be mapped to any DAW and even connects to you iPad, it really shines when it is being used to control Live with its sibling, the Launchpad beside it.”

“The Launch Control XL is a very well though-out controller that packs a lot into its relatively tiny surface area. ” // “Being a class-compliant device, installation couldn’t be easier.”

“For Ableton users, it addresses the lack of a serious Arrangement View mixer in Live’s interface. Used with the Launchpad, the XL is a total no-brainer.”

“This is a rock-solid addition to any Ableton-based studio setup ” // “The hardware feels extremely solid, and when combined with the Launchpad, the Launch Control XL gives you an impressive amount of hands-on control for an affordable price.”

Enhance Your Live Performance
Experience an unprecedented level of freedom when playing live, by combining with a Launchpad to control Ableton’s session view. Trigger clips, play drum racks, and control your mixer, effects and instruments all at the same time. You can even combine multiple units for some serious modular mayhem!